Friday, December 4, 2015

Setting up IntelliJ for AEM 6.1

I'm lucky enough to run my development on a MacBook Pro. I like the Terminal that's offered and after you get over using your thumb on the command key instead of your pinky on the Ctrl key, you're off and running! Here's how I set up IntelliJ for Mac.

If brew is your friend, cask is your bestie! Install both of these to set up your MacBook in minutes, all from the Terminal! It will set up and configure all the tools we need to set up IntelliJ. Here's the steps to install brew and cask, otherwise you can follow the details on each site.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
You'll have to enter your MacBook password for each and within a few minutes you're set up to start installing everything else. From the Terminal we can now search brew and cask to find the applications we need to install simply by running a search.
brew search enter-search-term...
First off the bat we need Java JDK 8 for AEM 6.1 so let's install Java 8 from the Terminal with Brew Cask.
brew cask install java
Now we want Apache Maven so that we can build our AEM Project. This one comes from Brew.
brew install maven
We might need GIT...
brew install git
And finally we want IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition...
brew cask install intellij-idea
Done! Now all our default software is installed!

Finally we need to install IntelliVault so that we can interact with the CRX repository. Open Eclipse then select Configure > Plugins > Browse Repositories... then type IntelliVault and install. IntelliJ will be restarted.

While this is restarting, we need to get a copy of FileVault. This comes as part of an AEM install located under <aem-install>/crx-quickstart/opt/filevault. Unzip

After IntelliJ has restarted, navigate to Preferences > Other Settings > IntelliVault and update the following:

  • Vault Directory: <>/bin

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